Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Web Conference

On Sunday, November 22, I attended the Web Conference that was scheduled at 5:00. I didn't know whether to sign in as a guest or use something for the username/password boxes. I went ahead and logged in as a guest. When I entered the room, it seemed like a bit of chaos. I have entered chat rooms like this before, however this was different. When I entered there were 97 people on the list. I've not been in a chat room with that many people before. I know Dr. Abernathy mentioned there was room for 100 people total. I didn't use my cam or mic, I just typed in the window when I felt I could answer something. I did not ask questions, I was just there to see how it was going to work and so I'd be prepared for the next web conference that is offered for my section. At times many people were on mic, other times sound would be lost. Many people were typing questions in the window and I think it was too hard for everyone to keep up and feel like their questions were being answered. It was nice to have a form of interaction with the professor. The most interaction we normally get is just listening to them during the weekly lectures.
I think this is a great tool to use to be able to collaborate with co-workers, colleagues, professors, or whatever the case may be. Technology has taken us so far, it'll be interesting to see what happens next.

1 comment:

  1. I finally got into the web conference. It was interesting to get to interact in a new way (see and hear) the people I have been collaborating with for nearly a year now. Next time I will try to have a web cam and mic so that I can interact more efficiently..
